Urban furniture

Urban furniture, what is it for?

Urban furniture is a term used to describe furniture that is placed in public areas in cities. It can include items such as benches, bus shelters, and public toilets. The purpose of urban furniture is to provide a comfortable and…

Development of a pedestrian zone: how to give cachet with street furniture?

In recent years, the development of pedestrian areas has been a growing trend in cities around the world. The reasons for this are many, but often boil down to a desire to create more livable, sustainable and attractive urban environments….

Why is public equipment closely linked to automobile presence?

Public equipment is closely linked to automobile presence for a variety of reasons. First, public equipment is often used by people who are in vehicles, such as police officers, firefighters, and ambulance drivers. Second, public equipment is often located in…

The essential characteristics of passenger shelters

There are many different types of urban furniture, each with its own purpose. Passenger shelters are a type of urban furniture that is designed to protect people from the elements. They are usually found in busy areas such as bus…

What does small urban furniture contribute to the quality of life?

Small urban furniture is one of the key aspects that contribute to the quality of life in our cities. It includes things like benches, bike racks, planters, and streetlights. This type of furniture plays a vital role in making our…

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